React.js Training Certification - eLearning

450,00 EUR

  • 50 hours

This React.js course is designed for beginners who want to build a strong foundation in developing modern web applications using React.js, one of the most popular JavaScript libraries. This course equips learners with the fundamental skills and knowledge to create dynamic, interactive, and responsive user interfaces efficiently.

Key Features


Course & material are in English


Beginner - intermediate for aspiring software engineer


1 year access to the self-paced study eLearning platform 24/7

14 hours of video content

with 50 hours study time recommended


2 End-project course

No exam

No exam for the course but student will get certification of training completion


Learning Outcomes

At the end of this React.js eLearning Course, you will be able to:

React and Redux

Know how to build amazing single-page applications with React and Redux

Structuring Redux

Learn and apply fundamental concepts behind structuring Redux applications

Composable components

Realize and appreciate the power of building composable components

NPM, Babel, and ES6

Understand and use NPM, Babel, and ES6 JavaScript syntax.

Course Timeline

  1. Course Introduction

    Lesson 01

    • What is react
    • Setting up the environment
  2. Starting (GitHub Finder) and Setting up React

    Lesson 02

    • Project introduction
    • Creating a React application and viewing the file structure
    • Create React App (CRA) Cleanup and preparation
    • Introduction to JavaScript Syntax Extension (JSX) and Fragments
    • Expressions and Conditionals in JSX
  3. Components States and Props

    Lesson 03

    • Lists and Passing a State with Props
    • Stateless Functional Components
    • Handling HTTP requests and updating states
    • Spinner component and refactoring
    • Environment variables
  4. Event Passing Props React Router and MOre

    Lesson 04

    • Events and search components
    • Passing props up and searching users
    • Clearing users from your state
    • Setting up alert state and component
    • Setting up a react router
    • Adding a single user component and data
    • Creating a user component UI and Layout
    • Repos and the Repoitem component
  5. Refactoring Hooks and context API

    Lesson 05

    • Overview of hooks and context API
    • Using a Search-class to function with the use state hook
    • Using a User class to function with the use effect hook
    • App class function component
    • Implementing context API and using the Reducer
    • Creating reducers
    • Moving user state to the context API
    • Moving repos state to the context API
    • Creating alert context workflow
    • Creating the home and NotFound components
    • Preparing and deploying to Netlify
  6. Mongo DB express React and Node (MERN)

    Lesson 06

    • Setting up MongoDB atlas
    • Creating dependencies and a basic express server
    • Setting up Backend routes
    • Connecting MongoDB to the application
  7. Backend user contacts and JSON web Token Authentication

    Lesson 07

    • User model and validation
    • Hashing passwords and registering routes
    • Creating and responding with a JSON web token
    • Creating an Authentication route
    • Authenticating Middleware and protecting routes
    • Creating a contact model and getting the contacts route
    • Adding a contact route
    • updating contacts and deleting routes
  8. Setting up your client and contacts UI

    Lesson 08

    • Setting up react and concurrently
    • Setting up cleanup, Navbar, and a router
    • Creating contacts, Context, and a global state
    • Creating the contacts and contactitem components
    • Deleting a contact from the UI
    • Setting and clearing current contacts
    • Adding actions for editing and updating contacts
    • Creating a contact filter form and state
    • Creating a Basic add and delete animation
  9. React or Express Authentication

    Lesson 09

    • Creating authentication context and initial state
    • Creating register and login forms
    • Creating alert context, states, and components
    • Creating a user registration form
    • Loading a user and setting a token
    • Creating user login
    • Creating the logout and Navbar components
    • Creating the PrivateRoute component
  10. Integrating and Deploying the Contacts API

    Lesson 10

    • Adding contacts to the database
    • Getting and clearing contacts
    • Deleting contacts
    • Updating contacts
    • Preparing and deploying to Heroku
  11. Start IT Logger (Redux) components and UI

    Lesson 11

    • Setting up React and the JSON
    • Setting up Materialize CSS
    • Creating the SearchBar and Logs components
    • Creating the Logitem and Preloader Components
    • Creating the AddBtn and AddLogModal components
    • Adding the edit and Tech Modal components
  12. Redux State Management

    Lesson 12

    • Setting up the redux store and provider
    • Setting up Logs Reducer, Actions, and Types
    • Connecting Redux to a component
    • Adding, Deleting, Updating, Searching Logs
  13. Technicians State and its components

    Lesson 13

    • Techs reducer, actions and components
    • Using the select component
    • Adding technicians
    • Deleting technicians
React.js course

Who Should Enroll in this Program?

This React.js certification course is designed for web developers who design and build UI/UX solutions for mobile and web apps and want to design with React as efficiently as possible using a JavaScript library.

Prerequisites: You must have experience building front-end web applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Web Developers

Web Designers

Full-stack developer

Mobile developer

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Licensing and accreditation

React.Js certification training course is offered by Simplilearn according to Partner Program Agreement and complies with the License Agreement requirements. AVC Promotes this course on behalf of Simplilearn.

Equity Policy

Simplilearn does not provide accommodations due to a disability or medical condition of any students. Candidates are encouraged to reach out to AVC for guidance and support throughout the accommodation process.

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