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Introduction Course IoT (Internet of Things) Certification - eLearning

450,00 EUR

  • 2 hours

If you’re new to the Internet of Things (IoT) and want to leverage it across business functions, then this introductory course is for you. You’ll get a glimpse into the evergrowing field of IoT, a technology that allows intelligent data exchange among a network of internet-connected objects.

Course timeline

  1. Course Introduction

    Lesson 01

    Course Introduction

  2. IOT Origin and Impact

    Lesson 02

    IOT Origin and Impact

    Iot Revolution in Industries

    Use Case: Fleet Management Using Iot

    Benefits of Iot in Fleet Management

    Use Case: Iot for Financial Services

    Benefits of Iot for Financial Services

    Iot in Dairy Farming

    Overview of Iot

    Evolution of Iot

    Transforming Digital World

    Differences Between M2m and Iot

    Use Case: M2m vs Iot

    Use Case: Iot in Autonomous Vehicles

    Key Takeaways

  3. Building Blocks of IOT

    Lesson 03

    Building Blocks of Iot

    Hardware for Iot

    Connectivity Blocks and Communication Protocols

    Platforms Supporting Iot

    Cloud Computing for Iot

    Data Management for Iot

    Mobile Applications for IoT

    Use Case: Lora Communication Protocol

    Use Case: Smart Home Using Arduino

    Key Takeaways

  4. IOT Design and Development Considerations

    Lesson 04

    IoT Design and Development Considerations

    Iot Device Architecture

    IoT Reference Architecture

    Iot Standardization and Design Considerations

    Iot Device Architecture: Network and Cloud

    Iot in Smart Farming

    Key Takeaways

  5. Security Considerations Using IoT

    Lesson 05

    - Security Considerations Using IoT

    - IoT Security Standards and Best Practices

    - IoT Attack and Vulnerabilities

    - IoT Hardware Solutions

    - IoT Software Solutions

    - IoT’s Open Source Solutions

    - IoT Use Case: Utility Companies

    - IoT Security in Utilities Challenges

    - Use Case: IoT Security in the Manufacturing Industry

    - Key Takeaways

  6. Opportunities with IoT

    Lesson 06

    - Opportunities with IoT

    - Data Analytics With Iot in Business

    - Data Analytics With Iot: Business Efficiency

    - Industry and IoT

    - Use Case: Industry -Predictive Maintenance

    - Internet of Everything: Overview

    - Internet of Everything: Introduction

    - Internet of Everything: Use Cases

    - Social Iot

    - Key Takeaways

  7. IoT in Enterprise

    Lesson 07

    - IoT Decision Framework for Enterprises

    - Case Study: Logistics and Transportation

    - Case Study- Manufacturing

    - Case Study- Chemicals

    - Case Study- Health Care

    - Case Study-consumer Goods Industry

    - Case Study- Energy

    - Case Study - Casino

    - Key Takeaways

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this IoT (Internet of things) eLearning Course, you will be able to:

An overview of IoT, including its origin and impact

Building blocks of IoT, how they are connected, and how they communicate with each other

IoT design and development considerations, frameworks and architectures

Security considerations, including common IoT security breaches and solutions

Real-world industry-relevant business opportunities with IoT

How organizations can adopt and benefit from IoT

Key Features

2 hours of online self-paced learning

Lifetime access to self-paced learning

Industry-recognized course completion certificate

Comprehensive industry-relevant use cases and case studies

9 comprehensice use cases and 7 real-time case studies


Who Should Enroll in this Program?


There are no prerequisites to take this course. Anyone with an interest in the IOT field may take this course.

Target Audience:

This IoT course caters to CXO level and middle management professionals who want to enhance business value and ROI leveraging IoT. AVC’s Introduction to IoT Training Course is ideal for anyone who wants to learn the fundamentals of IoT or pursue a career in this growing field.

Management Professionals


Software Development

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