Apache Kafka Certification Training - eLearning

450,00 EUR

  • 50 hours

AVC's Kafka certification enables you to learn how to efficiently process large volumes of data using a variety of tools. This training will help you enhance your Big Data analytics expertise. With our blended learning approach, you'll master the fundamentals of Apache Kafka while exploring its practical applications. Dive into a cutting-edge curriculum crafted by industry experts and gain the job-ready skills needed to excel as a Kafka developer.

Key Features


Course and material are in English


Beginner - Intermediate for aspiring data engineer


1 year access to the self-paced study eLearning platform 24/7

9,5 hours of video content

with 50 hours study time recommended

Case study

Includes 1 industry-based case study

No exam

No exam for the course but student will get certification of training completion


Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

Understanding Apache Kafka Fundamentals

Learn the architecture and core components of Kafka, including producers, consumers, brokers, topics, partitions, and logs.

Mastering Kafka Operations

Learn how to monitor, troubleshoot, and maintain Kafka environments.

Building Real-Time Data Pipelines

Develop the ability to design and implement real-time data pipelines using Kafka producers and consumers.

Ensuring Data Reliability and Scalability

Implement strategies for data durability, fault tolerance, and scalability in Kafka-based systems.

Course timeline

  1. Introduction to Apache Kafka

    Lesson 01

    • Big Data overview
    • Big Data Analytics
    • Messaging System
    • Kafka Overview
    • Kafka Components and Architecture
    • Kafka Clusters
    • Kafka Industry Usecases
    • Demo: Install Kafka and Zookeeper
    • Demo: Single Node Single-Multi Broker Cluster
  2. Kafka Producer

    Lesson 02

    • Overview of producer and its architecture
    • Kafka producer configuration
    • Send Messages
    • Serializers
    • Partitions
  3. Kafka Consumer

    Lesson 03

    • Poll Loop
    • Configuring Consumer
    • Commit and offset
    • Rebalance Listeners
    • Consuming records with a specific offset
    • Deserializers
  4. Kafka Operations and Performance Tuning

    Lesson 04

    • Learning Objectives
    • Replications
    • Storage
    • Configuration in Reliable System
  5. Kafka Cluster Architecture and Administering Kafka

    Lesson 05

    • Multi Cluster Architecture
    • MirrorMaker
    • Administering Kafka
    • Dynamic Configuration Changes
    • Console Producer Tool
    • Console Consumer Tool
  6. Kafka Monitoring and Schema Registry

    Lesson 06

    • Monitoring
    • Kafka Schema Registry and Avro
    • Kafka Schema Registry Components
    • Kafka Schema Registry Working
  7. Kafka Streams and Kafka Connectors

    Lesson 07

    • Kafka Stream architecture, working and components
    • Stream concepts and working
    • Kafka Connectors
  8. Integration of kafka with storm

    Lesson 08

    • Apache Storm architecture and components
    • Apache Storm Topology
    • Kafka Spout
    • Integration of Apache Storm and Kafka
  9. Kafka integration with Spark and Flume

    Lesson 09

    • Basics of Spark -RDD, Data Sets, and Transformation and actions
    • Spark Stream
    • Spark Integration with Kafka
    • Flume
    • Flume Kafka to HDFS Configuration
  10. Admin Client and Securting Kafka

    Lesson 10

    • Admin Client
    • Kafka Security
    • Kafka security components
    • Configure SSL in Kafka
    • Secure using ACLs
Apache kafka course

Who Should Enroll in this Program?

An Apache Kafka certification course is ideal for a wide range of professionals and individuals looking to enhance their skills in data streaming, real-time analytics, and distributed systems.

Software Developers

Data Engineers

Big Data Professionals

DevOps Engineers

System Administrators

Business Intelligence (BI) Professionals

Solutions architects

Students and Fresh Graduates

Start course now


There is no formal requirement to enroll the course. The prerequisites for taking an Apache Kafka certification training course are generally minimal, but having a foundational understanding of certain concepts and technologies will greatly enhance your learning experience.

Basic Programming Knowledge

  • Languages: Proficiency in at least one programming language such as Java, Python, or Scala is helpful, as Kafka is typically used within these environments.
  • Understanding of Concepts: Knowledge of object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts, data structures, and basic algorithms is beneficial.

Understanding of Distributed Systems

  • Concepts: Familiarity with distributed system fundamentals such as nodes, clusters, and network protocols will be helpful. Kafka operates as a distributed messaging system, so understanding how distributed systems work is key.
  • High Availability and Fault Tolerance: A basic understanding of how distributed systems ensure uptime, replication, and fault tolerance can be valuable.

Basic Knowledge of Linux/Unix

  • Kafka is typically deployed on Linux-based systems, so basic skills in the Linux command line for system navigation and operations will be beneficial.
  • Knowledge of managing processes, files, and directories in Linux can help with Kafka setup and maintenance.

Familiarity with Databases (Optional but Helpful)

  • Basic understanding of databases (relational or NoSQL) and concepts like data replication and scaling can help in understanding Kafka’s distributed data storage model.

Frequently Asked Question

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