ISTQB Software Testing Foundation v4.0 (2023) - Live Virtual Classroom (exam included)
Quality Management
Software & Cloud

ISTQB Software Testing Foundation v4.0 (2023) - Live Virtual Classroom (exam included)

  • 24 hours
  • 1.850,00 EUR
The ISTQB® CTFL certification imparts vital testing knowledge for practical use. Its syllabus covers global testing terms and concepts, suitable for all software methods like Waterfall, Agile, DevOps. This three-day intensive tutor-led course includes exam preparation, revision and the examination a few days later. It is fully- accredited by UKITB on behalf of ISTQB and has been rated SFIAplus level 3 by the BCS. ISTQB Foundation Level certification is the most commonly requested certification by employers. The ISTQB® Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) certification is the cornerstone of essential testing knowledge that can be applied to real-world scenarios. The syllabus provides a comprehensive understanding of the terminology and concepts used in the testing domain worldwide, making it relevant for all software delivery approaches and practices, including Waterfall, Agile, DevOps, and Continuous Delivery. CTFL certification is recognized as a prerequisite to all other ISTQB® certifications where Foundation Level is required.
ISTQB Software Testing Foundation - eLearning (exam included)
Quality Management

ISTQB Software Testing Foundation - eLearning (exam included)

  • 21 hours
  • 750,00 EUR
This Software Testing Foundation course has been designed to prepare delegates for the Certified Tester Foundation Level examination. This Foundation level qualification is appropriate for anyone who wants more than a basic understanding of the software testing concepts and takes approximately 21 hours to complete. The Software Testing Foundation course explains the fundamentals of testing. BCS accredits this course and addresses the ISTQB 2018 Foundation Level Syllabus. This online learning takes approximately 21 hours to complete.

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